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Version: 3.xx.xx


useForgotPassword calls forgotPassword method from authProvider under the hood. It forgot passwords the user if forgotPassword method from authProvider resolves and if it rejects shows an error notification.

It returns the result of react-query's useMutation.

Data that is resolved from forgotPassword will be returned as the data in the query result.


Normally refine provides a default forgot password page. If you prefer to use this default forgot password page, there is no need to handle forgot password flow manually.
If we want to build a custom forgotPassword page instead of default one that comes with refine, useForgotPassword can be used like this:

import { useForgotPassword } from "@pankod/refine-core";

type forgotPasswordVariables = {
email: string;

export const forgotPasswordPage = () => {
const { mutate: forgotPassword } =

const onSubmit = (values: forgotPasswordVariables) => {

return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<input name="email" value="" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

mutate acquired from useForgotPassword can accept any kind of object for values since forgotPassword method from authProvider doesn't have a restriction on its parameters.
A type parameter for the values can be provided to useForgotPassword.

const { mutate: forgotPassword } = useForgotPassword<{ email: string }>();

Redirection after forgotPassword

We have 2 options for redirecting the app after forgotPassword successfully .

  • A custom url can be resolved from the promise returned from the forgotPassword method of the authProvider.
const authProvider: AuthProvider = {
forgotPassword: () => {
return Promise.resolve("/custom-url");

A custom url can be given to mutate function from the useForgotPassword hook if you want to redirect yourself to a certain url.

import { useForgotPassword } from "@pankod/refine-core";

const { mutate: forgotPassword } = useForgotPassword();

forgotPassword({ redirectPath: "/custom-url" });

Then, you can handle this url in your forgotPassword method of the authProvider.

const authProvider: AuthProvider = {
forgotPassword: ({ redirectPath }) => {
return Promise.resolve(redirectPath);

  • If the promise returned from the forgotPassword method of the authProvider gets resolved with false no redirection will occur.
const authProvider: AuthProvider = {
forgotPassword: () => {
return Promise.resolve(false);

If the promise returned from forgotPassword is resolved with nothing, app won't be redirected to any route by default.


This hook can only be used if authProvider is provided.