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    6. Adding Sort and Filters

    In the previous Adding List Page section, we have displayed blog posts data in a table. Now we will learn how to add sorting and filtering to the table to user can have more control over the data.

    Sort and Filters

    The @pankod/refine-react-table package based on the Tanstack Table package. So, we can add sorting and filtering features to our table as suggested in the Tanstack Table documentation.

    Refer to the @pankod/refine-react-table useTable documentation for more information

    Tanstack Table keeps the sorting and filters states in the useTable hook. When we change the these states, the useTable hook will automatically fetch the data and update the table with the new data.


    Under the hood, sorting and filters states of Tanstack Table are converted to the CrudSorting and CrudFilter types of refine. So, when you change the Tanstack Table's sorting or filters state, useTable hook will pass the converted params to the getList method of the dataProvider.

    Since @pankod/refine-react-table provides a headless solution, there are many ways to handle filtering and sorting. In this tutorial, we will show basic examples of how to add sorting and filtering to the table.

    Adding Sorting

    Let's add sorting to the table. We will add a clickable column header to the table. When the user clicks on the column header, the table will be sorted by the column.

    1. Open the src/pages/blog-posts/list.tsx file on your editor.

    2. Replace the <thead/> element with the following code:

      {getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup) => (
      <tr key={}>
      { => (
      <th key={}>
      <div onClick={header.column.getToggleSortingHandler()}>
      {!header.isPlaceholder &&
      asc: " 🔼",
      desc: " 🔽",
      }[header.column.getIsSorted() as string] ?? null}

      In the above code, we have added a onClick event to the column header. When the user clicks on the column header, the getToggleSortingHandler method of the column will be called. This method will toggle the sorting state of the column.

      We have also added a arrow icon to the column header. The arrow icon will be displayed based on the sorting state of the column. If the column is not sorted, no icon will be displayed. If the column is sorted in ascending order, the 🔼 icon will be displayed. If the column is sorted in descending order, the 🔽 icon will be displayed.

    How can I disable sorting for a specific column?

    You can disable sorting for a specific column by setting the enableSorting property of the column to false in the column definition like below.

    title: "Category",
    dataIndex: "category",
    enableSorting: false,

    Adding Filters

    Let's add filters to the table. We will add a basic text input to the table header. When the user types in the input, the table will be filtered by the input value of the column.

    1. Open the src/pages/blog-posts/list.tsx file on your editor.

    2. Change the filter operator for columns to "contains" by changing the meta property of the column definition like below:

      id: "title",
      accessorKey: "title",
      header: "Title",
      meta: {
      filterOperator: "contains",
      id: "content",
      accessorKey: "content",
      header: "Content",
      meta: {
      filterOperator: "contains",

      By default, the filterOperator is set to "eq". So, we have changed the filterOperator to "contains" for specific columns.

    3. Disable filtering for the "Action" column by setting the enableFiltering property of the column to false in the column definition like below:

      id: "actions",
      accessorKey: "id",
      header: "Actions",
      enableColumnFilter: false,
      cell: function render({ getValue }) {
      return (
      display: "flex",
      flexDirection: "row",
      flexWrap: "wrap",
      gap: "4px",
      onClick={() => {
      show("blog_posts", getValue() as string);
      onClick={() => {
      edit("blog_posts", getValue() as string);
    4. Replace the <thead/> element with the following code:

      {getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup) => (
      <tr key={}>
      { => (
      <th key={}>
      <div onClick={header.column.getToggleSortingHandler()}>
      {!header.isPlaceholder &&
      asc: " 🔼",
      desc: " 🔽",
      }[header.column.getIsSorted() as string] ?? null}
      {header.column.getCanFilter() && (
      value={header.column.getFilterValue() as string}
      onChange={(e) => {
      placeholder={`Search ${header.column.columnDef.header}`}

      In the above code, we have added a basic text input to the column header. When the user types in the input, the setFilterValue method of the column will be called. This method will set the filter value of the column.

      Previous step, we have also added a enableColumnFilter property to the column definition. This property will be used to determine whether the column should have a filter input or not by calling the getCanFilter method of the column.

    How can I change the filter operator?

    By default, filter operator is "eq" for columns. You can change the filter operator by passing the filterOperator property to the meta in column definition. For example, you can change the filter operator to "eq" like below:

    title: "Category",
    dataIndex: "category",
    meta: {
    filterOperator: "eq",
    How can I disable filtering for a specific column?

    You can disable filtering for a specific column by setting the enableColumnFilter property of the column to false in the column definition like below.

    title: "Category",
    dataIndex: "category",
    enableColumnFilter: false,
