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Version: 4.xx.xx
Swizzle Ready


<EditButton> uses Material UI's <Button> component. It uses the edit method from useNavigation under the hood. It can be useful to redirect the app to the edit page route of resource.

Good to know:

You can swizzle this component with the Refine CLI to customize it.


import {
} from "@refinedev/mui";
import { DataGrid, GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid";

const columns: GridColDef[] = [
{ field: "id", headerName: "ID", type: "number" },
{ field: "title", headerName: "Title", minWidth: 400, flex: 1 },
field: "actions",
headerName: "Actions",
renderCell: function render({ row }) {
return <EditButton size="small" recordItemId={} />;
align: "center",
headerAlign: "center",
minWidth: 80,

const PostsList: React.FC = () => {
const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid<IPost>();

return (
<DataGrid {...dataGridProps} columns={columns} autoHeight />

interface IPost {
id: number;
title: string;



recordItemId is used to append the record id to the end of the route path for the edit route. By default, the recordItemId is inferred from the route params.

import { EditButton } from "@refinedev/mui";

const MyEditComponent = () => {
return (

Clicking the button will trigger the edit method of useNavigation and then redirect the app to the edit action path of the resource, filling the necessary parameters in the route.


Redirection endpoint is defined by the resource property and its edit action path. By default, <EditButton> uses the inferred resource from the route.

import { EditButton } from "@refinedev/mui";

const MyEditComponent = () => {
return (

Clicking the button will trigger the edit method of useNavigation and then redirect the app to the edit action path of the resource, filling the necessary parameters in the route.

If you have multiple resources with the same name, you can pass the identifier instead of the name of the resource. It will only be used as the main matching key for the resource, data provider methods will still work with the name of the resource defined in the <Refine/> component.

For more information, refer to the identifier section of the <Refine/> component documentation


It is used to pass additional parameters to the edit method of useNavigation. By default, existing parameters in the route are used by the edit method. You can pass additional parameters or override the existing ones using the meta prop.

If the edit action route is defined by the pattern: /posts/:authorId/edit/:id, the meta prop can be used as follows:

const MyComponent = () => {
return <EditButton meta={{ authorId: "10" }} />;


It is used to show and not show the text of the button. When true, only the button icon is visible.

import { EditButton } from "@refinedev/mui";

const MyEditComponent = () => {
return (


This prop can be used to skip access control check with its enabled property or to hide the button when the user does not have the permission to access the resource with hideIfUnauthorized property. This is relevant only when an accessControlProvider is provided to <Refine/>

import { EditButton } from "@refinedev/mui";

export const MyListComponent = () => {
return (
<EditButton accessControl={{ enabled: true, hideIfUnauthorized: true }} />


Use resource prop instead.

API Reference


External Props:

It also accepts all props of Material UI Button.